When you think of Mars, you might think of chocolate or pet food but have you ever thought about the important role Mars has on Food Safety? In fact, Mars recently launched a brand new, state of the art global food safety center right in the heart of China. Within this center, Mars employs top scientists to solve the world’s pressing food safety solution innovations including research on mycotoxins, pathogens and traceability

Take a look at not only the Global Food Safety Center’s amazing technology, but also their amazing scientist and learn how Guangtao Zhang got into food, by taking the skills he learned in the pharmaceutical industry and applying it to food safety innovation.


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Show Notes

Mars’ global food safety center located in China
We feel that China is so central to the world, we had to put it in there
Mars sells to China: M and M’s, Snickers, Pet food, Dove Chocolate (dominant chocolate)
Spicy Snicker’s Bar
Mint flavored snicker’s bar
What is the Global Food Safety Center?: Located in Bejing, 3000 sq m facility. Ampitheater that can host trainings and conferences. 30 people analytical
Very powerful analytical capabilities
We look into three important areas in food safety research
Microbial Risk Management – Salmonella, E.coli
Food Integrity – relatively new, knowns and unknowns in food contamination
Soft Tracking and Investigation
Ultimately our goal is to prevent microbial incident
How to reach Mars: marsGFSC.com
How did you get int food safety: I started as a chemistry major focusing on inorganic materials. My academic background gave me a huge amount of technical knowledge.
Postdoc in Cornell doing pharmaceuticals
How do you find drugs?: It’s a very long process. Screening, until you get a hit. Then you do medicinal chemistry by changing the molecule. It can take decades and a lot of money to create a drug.
What was your first job at Mars?: I was always in the food safety center. I started out in the analytical lab and now I’m the head of research in food safety
Whole Genome Sequencing
IAFP conference
What is the biggest food safety problem?: Pathogens
What is a good piece of advice: If you’re looking for a purposeful, multi disciplined job, this is it.
marsgsfc.com or mars.com