Sally Squires is a food communicator who works with really cool companies crafting messages. She spent her early years at the Washington Post, and now works for Weber Shadwick, as their SVP-Management Supervisor & Director, Food, Nutrition and Wellness Communications

A funny story about this interview is that you might recall I had the opportunity to go to The Ohio State University to talk about podcasting and they dropped me off in a room with Sally Squires. After a brief talk about some interesting topics, I took out my podcasting gear and did an interview there on the spot!

During Sally’s 24 years at the Washington Post, she built out the nutrition section of the organization. She started with small column where people would send her questions and this launched her career from working with the USDA, to collaborate with cool food tech startups to improve their messaging.

So get ready to learn about how to be a critical thinker, to have the ability to sort fact from fiction as you’ll look into the mind a trained journalist, an expert at critical thinking. Or rather, be like a scientist when it comes to reading the news.

About Sally

Sally Squires, MS, MS, wears many professional hats. She is a senior vice president at Powell Tate, the Washington, DC division of Weber Shandwick, a weekly contributor to the leading all-news radio station in Washington, DC and an adjunct professor at the Tufts Friedman School. She spent 24 years as an award-winning health writer at the Washington Post, where she also created the Lean Plate Club, a nationally syndicated nutrition column and online community that now resides at her website,

Ms. Squires is an author, keynote speaker, documentary filmmaker and has written for a wide range of publications, including Parade and Reader’s Digest.  She holds two master’s degrees from Columbia University; one in nutrition, the other in journalism. She is a member of the American Society for Nutrition, the American Public Health Association, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Institute of Food Technologists, among others, and serves on the editorial boards of Nutrition Today and the Nation’s Health, published by the American Public Health Association

Sponsor: Salt of the Earth

I'm happy to introduce our newest sponsor: Salt of the Earth and their new ingredient,  Mediterranean Umami, an all-natural and clean-label flavor enhancer and sodium reduction ingredient that works amazingly on meats, veggie-meats, soups and sauces and ready-meals. My friend, David gave me a bottle and I use it on my pasta sauces, or rice porridge to give it the satisfying umami depth I crave.  Find the 2017 IFT Innovation Award Winner at IFT19 at booth number 2112 where they will be showcasing fresh food prepared with Mediterranean Umami. If you're interested now, feel free to email them at [email protected]

Show Notes

Citation Needed
American Society for Nutrition
Graduate Degree Columbia University
Powell Tate – public affairs
Weber Shadwick
Nutrition 2018
Clean Plate Club
Lean Plate Club
Senator Ted Kennedy
How do you network in Washington DC?: Our office has tons of interns who ask this question. You have to get yourself out there and meet people. You’d be surprised who you can meet by just reaching out and talking
Washington Post
Malcolm Gladwell
Michael Spector
What did you find valuable about the column?: The digital age allowed people to participate in more real time and builds community faster
USDA Food Database
Supertracker – case study curriculum for low income students
Slaughter-Free meat
Sustainably Grown
How do companies talk about innovative technologies?: Transparency is key
Good Food Institute
Clean Meat – Paul Shapiro
Artificial Ice
The Lean Plate Club
Adjunct Professor at Tufts
Society of children’s book writers
Youtube Knitting
Cook’s Illustrated
Vertical Farming
What advice would you give for communicating science?: Be a good writer. Convey what you’re trying to get across in clear language
How do you write better?: reading aloud. Does what you read make sense?
Curiousity. Keep asking questions. Be curious. A good book: A more Beautiful Question
Julie Yip-Williams – Unwinding the Miracle
Favorite kitchen item: Deyhydrator. I’m trying to make dog treats
Favorite cookbook: Barefoot Contessa Ina Garten
Where can we find you?:; [email protected]