This episode is with Ziynet Boz, who recently got a job at the University of Florida as an Assistant Professor. Her expertise is on sustainable packaging and she is also a full bright scholar.

Ziynet brings a lot of insight into the sustainable packaging realm and teaches me about what type of packaging is truly sustainable, and how you can find more about it online. We also revisit the topic of lifecycle analysis, something in which I feel is becoming a bigger and bigger topic.

Last week, at Expo West's Climate Day, I learned the opportunities in the packaging problem. 47% of waste we produce is actually consumer packages. Not only that, but our rate of using these packages are exponentially rising up! Though we see many companies clean up the plastics in our ocean, because we are producing packaging so fast, it won’t even matter how much trash we try to clean up!

With this, the speaker Tom Chi, presents us so many opportunities to solve this problem. From alternative packaging material to reducing. It’s definitively something to look into in the future. In this podcast, we just show you a little about the potential of sustainable packaging.


Sustainable Packaging
Behavioral Analysis
How do I know if a package is sustainable? : There are a lot of misconceptions with sustainable
Greenwashing – companies just paint their package green
Life Cycle Analysis
Consumers have the ability to research sustainable packaging
Plastic is more sustainable and less energy than glass
B-Pack – Startup that uses reusable packaging for e-commerce
Google Scholar– Write LCA food packaging and you can find food packaging. You can also find the material as well.
If you use a package twice, it can improve the sustainability of packaging. It’s really ahrd to recycle plastic single-use bags
California banned single-use plastic bags
Modified Atmosphere Packaging
In Turkey, we have Food Engineer
Fullbright Scholarship – Choose 60 people who want to study in the US. You have avery intensive interview
Senator Fullbright
University of Florida Food Science Program
What is the difference between Turkish education and English Univerisity?: research. It’s narutal to get research done with industry at the United States
What made you go into packaging?: It’s in everything
Silent Salesman
Ship Test – Simulations for ship, train and flight shipping
What kind of skills do you need to be a packaging engineer?: You can always develop your skillset.
Food Technology: Food Printing
Guiseppe – Nova Meats
What’s the biggest challenge the food industry has to face?: Food waste, but we can make food waste be upcycled
IFTNEXT – Food waste competitions
Sara Ramirez – Food Waste class
What is something in the food industry you’d like to know more about?: Innovation. It’s like the meatless burgers
Favorite Book: Yuval Noah Harrari trilogy
Favorite Quote: Average of the 5 people you hang out
Turkish Food: It’s a food country. It harmonizes all cultures
Stuffed Grape Leaves
What do you think schools should teach people to be prepared for the workforce?: More practical things. Such as cooking or fixing machines.
Twitter: @ziynetbot