To continue with our Podcast Showcase Series, we have an episode from Katie Jones from the Food Heroes Podcast. In this episode, she interviews a cool startup in the UK, a company that makes beer out of old bread.

Katie Jones popped out of the scene last year when LinkedIn had this weird power of getting individuals to talk more. I was fortunate to ride the wave of this, and so did Katie.

Katie has a very interesting story. You can actually listen to it on her podcast. I believe it’s episode 20. It’s a really good episode and you learn a ton about Katie’s background. Also, I get a shoutout on this episode, if you’re interested in seeing the inception of this, I’ve posted it on the show notes.

So Kate is also an expert in plant-based foods such as vegan ice cream and vegan cheese. This is because of her experience at So Delicious, a very popular vegan ice cream company. Katie, who is inherently entrepreneurial, stayed in the company for 6 years building the company and creating vegan products and creating systems to execute these vegan products.

After being laid off at So Delicious through an acquisition, she took time to find herself. How did she do this? Well, she took her dog and her RV and traveled around the United States. Through her RV journey, she really explored herself.  Around that time, she researched Copywriting and jumped into it. After a few months of writing, she decided to well, start a podcast! Her fascination with B-Corp spurred the development in podcasting and with 20 episodes, Katie has had some amazing guests who are doing good work in the food system we live in.

Many of her episodes focus on things such as food waste, or ethical sourcing of unique ingredients like saffron or eggs. If you’re into hearing the stories of the people who are making the world just a little bit better, this is the podcast for you.


This episode is sponsored by the West Coast Nuriv Music and Tech festival a free music festival on March 6th, or the day before Expo West opens its doors. We have bands like The Bombpops, Direct Hit, Dog Party (opened for Green Day tour, 2017), Get Dead and a "Mystery" Headliner! FAT Wreck Chords presents, NURIV 2019 at the E Sports Arena in Santa Ana. email: [email protected] to get on the list and a chance for a VIP spot as well. invite your friends! If you want to sponsor, email [email protected] ..we have a few open spots for sponsorship.