Elliot Begoun is the Principal of The Intertwine Group, which a practice focused on helping emerging food and beverage brands grow. He works with clients to design and execute customized route-to-market and go-to-market strategies that build velocity, gain distribution, and win share of stomach. His articles appear in publications such as the Huffington Post, SmartBrief, and FoodDive.

Elliot has had a lot of experience in the food industry. 25 years to be exact and he knows what makes good companies tick. His knowledge about marketing, supply chain and retail management astound me and I hope they do for you too.

In this episode, be prepared to learn how to be a successful food company, our predictions in the grocery space, and the common obstacles brands struggle with, and how to over come this obstacles


This episode is sponsored by FoodGrads, an interactive platform for the Food & Beverage Industry, which focuses on closing the gap between students and employers with a broader mission to attract and retain people to a meaningful career in food. From Food Scientists to Farmers, Chefs to Plant Managers, QA Technicians to Dieticians, or Marketing and Sales, no matter what your passion–there’s something for everyone in Food—and they will help you find it.

Join FoodGrads for support, mentorship and guidance to start your career. Just go to foodgrads.com


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I am also inviting you to sign up on our email list at myfoodjobrocks.com. I am doing this new thing called the 5 course meal where I send you 5 pieces of hand picked content and deliver it every Friday morning. Like a meal kit…

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Knowledge Bombs

- When to share information versus asking for money
- What Elliot describes as being a food lifer
- Why entreprenuers should focus on what the grocery industry will become in 5 years

Question Summary

Sentence or less: I help emerging food and beverage brands grow
How do you network?: It’s more about establishing relationship.
How do you establish trust?: Go all in and help someone when asked
What do you do?: I’m a principal. I understand and analyze emerging businesses and make them grow
How did you get to where you are today?: Almost went to law school, so he got into general management at a small restaurant franchise, Bon Vorong, Graduate School, Shamrock Foods for 18 years, Foster Farms, then Intertwine
Did you find an MBA useful?: I got more self-confidence and I absorb information better, but it’s debatable
What skill do you need to be a successful food company?: You have to learn how to listen. You also have to learn how to be a problem solver
My Food Job Rocks: I get to be part of a lot of companies and I love seeing them in stores
Food Trends and Technology: Meal kits and how to bring amazing foods to busy families
The biggest challenge the food industry needs to face: How are we going to feed 9 billion people?
Are there any companies that are changing the food system?: There are lots of companies doing it in different ways. For example, dairy farms collecting methane and ugly fruit
What is one thing in the food industry you’d like to know more about?: After 28 years, I still have no idea what it’s about
Who inspired you to get into food?: Restaurant management job: it was offered to me. On my next job, I got a mentor and she taught me everything. Then I got into retail and it was like a real fun puzzle.
Favorite Book: A More Beautiful Question
My Quote: The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your questions. — Dr. John Demartini
What do you think new brands struggle with the most?: Distribution philosophy. Build a compelling argument for your consumers to buy your products again and again and again to build velocity
What is your advice for funding?: Make money first
Do you have advice for anyone who wants to go into the food industry?: Run!
Just kidding: The food industry is enormous. Go somewhere where you can make a difference. Also. Learn!
How to reach Elliot: www.theintertwinegroup.com ; [email protected]

Other Links (we link Elliot's Articles Here)

Food Dive
Huffington Post
Fancy Food Show