This episode is all about Fair Trade, you’ll not only learn about Equifruit’s focus on bananas, but also what other products can be fair trade, awesome resources in the fair-trade industry, and things of that nature.

Kim herself is an expert salesperson. Ever since she was 18 years old, she learned to go out and sell, and we talk over her expert techniques and here’s a secret… it’s all about perspective.

Also to note is Kim’s philosophy in life. She’s had so many jobs but because she loved what she did, and that opened more and more opportunities in her life. Something to think about.

So in this episode, you’ll learn where bananas come from, how a diamond ring can be fair trade, and how to be an amazing sales person

About Kim

Kim is a native Montrealer with a passion for all things food.  She graduated from Concordia University with a degree in Psychology and pursued further education at St. Pius X Culinary Institute, where she attained a diploma in French cuisine.  Kim has worked in sales from the start of her career: restaurant, retail, spa industry, catering and now, Fairtrade bananas!

Kim joined Equifruit as sales manager in late 2014.  After nearly 15 years of sales experience, she wanted to be more connected on a social justice level.  She loves the challenge of convincing Canadian customers to put farmers first.  Kim brings to the table relentless optimism, contagious enthusiasm and an irrevocable passion for fair trade.


This episode is sponsored by FoodGrads, an interactive platform for the Food & Beverage Industry, which focuses on closing the gap between students and employers with a broader mission to attract and retain people to a meaningful career in food. From Food Scientists to Farmers, Chefs to Plant Managers, QA Technicians to Dieticians, or Marketing and Sales, no matter what your passion--there's something for everyone in Food—and they will help you find it.

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Knowledge Bombs Where fair trade bananas come from How everything can be fair trade How fair trade funds farmer’s kids with money Question Summary

What do you tell people you do?: Exotic fair trade fruit saleswoman. A light intro on fair trade
Fair Trade: Doing business on fair terms. The producer gets paid properly.
When I was 18 years old: Sales as B2B. Cold calling. Selling a product from door to door
How did you put yourself out there when finding your next gig?: Social media
How to be a good sales person: A really good salesperson reads people well. Everything from the tone of your voice to the language
Does good sales people come from books or experience?: It might be more innate than you think. You can develop a salesperson, but you have to be perceptive. An introvert can be a salesperson
Food Trends and Technologies: Purchasing habits of Bananas. People are buying products because of the value of the products
Where do you find your sales research?: Canadian Government Websites
Who inspired you to get into food?: My family
Career path: I study the things I find interesting. You have to love what you do, but there will be challenges. Ask the questions: what would you do for free? Or what excites you?
Kitchen Item: I’m a knife snob. I have to carry my knives for vacation
Advice for a Sales Job: Ask to be paired to an expert salesperson
Favorite Food: Salad and fresh fruits. I would wait for the seasons to enjoy my fruit
Advice about life: It’s more important to love what you do because it opens up amazing opportunity. You’ll be a happier human being.
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Other Links

Fairtrade Canada
Canadian Fairtrade network
Guelph Organic Tradeshows
Canadian Produce Marketing Association
Fair Trade Chocolate, Sugar, Tea
Fair Trade cotton shirt
Fairtrade Diamond Ring
Farm and Food Care
BA Psychology Concordian University
Saint Pious the 10th – Culinary School
Catering Company
Fighting the Banana Wars Harriett Lam
Social introvert
Good survey about personalities


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