Louis Edmond is an extremely inspiring fellow. He has loved food his whole life and decided to be a chef, until he realized that the chef isn’t the most stable job in the world. Then he dived into the world of food science in his final semester. Though he didn’t get a food science job, he worked darn hard until 6 years later, he applied for his masters, and now works as a food technologist at Advanced Pierre Foods.

Louis’ strength is the ability to tell quite inspiring stories and he really loosens up in the final minutes of the interview, where he reminisces about his amazing week in culinary camp in high school.


This episode is sponsored by FoodGrads, an interactive platform for the Food & Beverage Industry, which focuses on closing the gap between students and employers with a broader mission to attract and retain people to a meaningful career in food. From Food Scientists to Farmers, Chefs to Plant Managers, QA Technicians to Dieticians, or Marketing and Sales, no matter what your passion--there's something for everyone in Food—and they will help you find it.

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Key Takeaways 


How Louis found out about Food Science and kept chasing it Our discussion on a focus on customer relationship when it comes to product development Why we love innovation A discussion on Cardemum and Star Anise Question Summary

One Sentence or less: I create and develop new products for food manufacturers
Where will we find the food you make?: Lots of store brands, fast fixin’s brands
Favorite Thing About Your Job: I’m still learning about meat processing and I love learning
Can You Describe The Steps of Your Career?: Culinary School, Had a food product development class in his final semester, looked into R+D Chef, Movie Set Catering Work. Hospital, Graduate School University of Georgia, Internship at McCormick,
New Orleans
What is the most important skill for your job?: Foodservice mindset: how is it going to be handled, used and consumed? Who is that person? Think of who the end-user is
My goal: Is to develop the next biggest trend
Dream Job: To be an executive
What do you look for most in a job?: Innovation and the ability to grow and develop
Examples: McCormick
Food Technology: Plant based meats; Ethnic food backgrounds such as India
Biggest Challenge the Food Industry has to face: How to transition from simple and clean to process
Who is doing the best job advocating this?: Panera
Who inspired you to get into food?: My Grandmother. A Culinary Camp in Georgia.
Bombshell quote: If you can do anything, every day, all day for free, what would it be?
Quote: Be the change you want to see in the world; Teach a man how to fish, he’ll learn how to fish forever
Book: The Aladdin Factor. “I don’t have a problem asking because I already don’t have it”. Mindset by Carol Dweck
Favorite Food: Bayona (New Orleans) – Smoked Duck and Cashew and Pepper Jelly Sandwich and Shrimp
Susan Spicer
If You were to tell your freshmen self something, what would it be?: Be more patient in going after your goals. Great things have developed with patience.

Other Links

Research Chef
Advanced Pierre Foods – Meat Division
Fried Chicken Nugget Process
Ketogenic diet
Fancy Food Show in San Francisco
Best Thing I Ever Ate