Today we ahem, dive in the world of sushi

Kaz works at Breakthrough Sushi, where hosts special classes, caterings, and team building events where he teaches people how to make sushi.

Kaz’ innovative sushi concept is awesome and he really takes the time to teach his guests the art of sushi, and then let them do it, and then let them eat it! I actually crashed in one of his classes at Miele, or Rochelle Boucher’s place in San Francisco! All I can say is, Kaz is very tall!

This episode is all about fish! Seriously, Kaz loves his craft and you’ll learn so many cool things such as what Zen Buddhists eat, how to be a sushi chef in japan, why you should always be on time, and the importance of the blue fin tuna

About Kaz

Kaz Matsune is the owner and operator of the Bay Area’s (and possibly North America’s) ONLY team building sushi class experience, Breakthrough Sushi. With two books under his belt and a third in the works, he has become the go to guy in the Bay area for anyone wanting to take sushi classes either privately or as part of a corporate team.

Key Takeaways Kaz’ unique platform for his sushi course How Kaz started his business as a Zen Buddhist service at first Why Bluefin Tuna is so important Question Summary

How Breakthrough Sushi started:
Zen Priest
SF Zen Monastery
Zen Monastery cooking Shojin Ryori (Zen cooking is vegan cooking)
Did you train to be a sushi chef?: Yes, you don’t need a sushi chef certificate in Japan. You learn on the job
Most important skill you can have in your industry: Be punctual. Show up. Time is the most valuable thing in the cooking industry
Another skill: Be clean. Work clean. Have a clean work environment. Clean environment, and clean mind will give you clean food.
My Food Job Rocks: I get to interact with the customer face to face
What Makes Good Sushi?: How much heart you put into food
What Technologies are really exciting you right now?: Freezing and thawing machine,  Farm Raised Blue-fin Tuna from Kinki University
Biggest Problem the food industry has to face: We’re eating too much fish like Bluefin tuna. And Eel too
One thing in the food industry you like to know more about: The Why of the Sushi. (Food Science of Sushi?)
Who Inspired you to get into food?: the Galloping Gourmet. He did things out of the ordinary
Favorite Quote: The depth of a relationship is measured by how many meals you’ve shared with a person
Favorite Book: Prune by Gabrielle Hamilton. How she opened the restaurant. Very personal
One meal to eat for a month: Steamed rice, miso soup, and three dishes (like pickles, grilled fish, paste)
Advice on being in your industry: Be honest, kind, sincere
What’s next?: Writing a memoir.
You can find me at: Quora