We are back to our regular show where we interview amazing food jobs.

This next batch of episodes are some unique ones, and I think I’m getting better at asking questions maybe.

Today we have Haley Richardson from Dr. Pepper/ Snapple Gorup talking about well, being a soda scientist.

Have you ever wondered how Soda is made on a bench top? Or how new flavors get idealized? This episode explains all of that.

We also geek out about the perfect steak and the show Unwrapped.

Key Takeaways

- How food scientists make soda bench samples
- The crazy way on how Dr. Pepper runs their companies
- Haley’s most interesting interview question
- How Food Science made Unwrapped better

Question Summary

What is your official title?: Application Scientist for Dr. Pepper/Snapple
What’s a Typical Day?: No day is the same.
Describe the Steps it Took To Get To Where You Are Today: Originally Engineering to Food Science
Most important skill you need to succeed: Critical Thinking
My Food Job Rocks Because: I get to try the newest flavors
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?: Teach someone her job. Wants to go deeper in science.
What do you look for most in a job?: Working with Passionate people
Food Technologies: 3D Printing, Plant Beef, Lab Grown Beef
Who inspired you to get into food?: My Parents. Her dad cooks a perfect steak
Favorite Kitchen Item: Whisk
Advice going into the food industry: If you have that passion, you should do it
Inspirational quote: If you want to make Jelly Belly flavors, go for it.

Additional Links

University of Arkansas
“Throwing” a Soda term, see episode
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group
Mott’s Apple Juice
Nantuket Nectars
Mr and Mrs. T’s Mixers
All Natural – What is Natural?
It’s not the poison it’s the dose
Clostridium Botulinum
3D Printing
Future of Food- 2050
The perfect steak
Thai Red Curry
Coconut Macaroons