Alright guys, I hope you enjoyed Ireland, now let’s go to India… and then back to the United States.

For our graduate student series, we have Deepak Kumar, who came from India to do graduate school. I really wanted to get an international student who came from a foreign country to the United States because, well, you see them a lot. Deepak is also just getting a masters degree which might interest some of you guys who don’t want to  go all in for a PhD.

In this episode, we really hone in on what makes a United States education valuable, and the really cool tips Deepak used to find information from across the oceans. I’ll give you a hint, it involves facebook.

On Wednesday, we pack our bags and head to the Neatherlands where my college friend Fiona decided to go. If you’re interested in actually going to a different country for graduate school, this is the episode for you.

If you enjoyed this episode, please, sign up on our email list at, like us on facebook,  rate and review on itunes, and share with your friends. If you show interest in being interviewed, know someone who would be a great interviewer, or would like to join our team of volunteers, make sure to email us at [email protected].

Key Takeaways

- Why Deepak decided to get a Masters in the United States
- Our discussion about algae proteins and spirulina
- How to use Facebook groups to ask students about professors

Summary of Questions

Why did you want to go to Graduate School: Improve my knowledge and English and meet people from different background.
Why did you choose your university?: Prior connections through India.
What are you researching right now?: Algae protein and spirulina. Encapsulation.
Funniest research stories: Giving people green colored cookies
Best advice for the application process: Ask people like the student advisor
How did you find these people: facebook groups
Are you funded? : Yes, not the first year, but we have a research fund.
Food Trends and Technologies: 3D Food Printing
The biggest challenge food industry needs to face: Balance between nutrition and taste
Who Inspired You to Get Into Food?: From a lecture in undergraduate. Gum technology
Favorite Quote: There is no love more sincere than the love of food - George Brenard Shaw
Favorite Book: Food Chemistry by Etree Beliez
Favorite Food: Eggs. Hard boiled egg, scrambled, any
Indian Omelets: Green chilies and onions
Best part about being a graduate student: Getting funded, get free passes for conferences
Worst Part: The Pressure. A lot of deadlines
Anything inspiring you’d like to say?: It’s a great experience and this industry will go forever

What We Talk About

Brian Chau
Texas Tech
Urbana Champaign
Ionic gelation
Sodium Alginate
Calcium Chloride
Reverse Specification
3D Printing clubs
SQF Conference