With no exception, every small business for sale that I have evaluated or purchased was deficient when it came to sales. Not just strategy, either. I mean deficient as in $0 were invested in growing and maintaining any sort of sales function. Comapnies like this are order takers, waiting for the phone to ring... relying on existing friendships to keep the business going. Whether you're experienced or just novice at this game, you can understand this is an unsustainable and highly risky position to find yourself in. There is a reason this company is being considered in the bottom of the viable market with a valuation less than $10 million, and fighting off multiple offers from ultra competitive private equity firms or competitors desperate for a market share and a clue as to how THIS company does it.

The bad news is that this problem cannot be simply hired away. The good news is that grasping the fundamentals of why people make purchasing decisions, and how to build that into a repeatable sales process is within your reach. Making a few simple changes can accelerate your mature business from one that finds itself in a tired niche, racing to the bottom with its competitors to one with sustained prospects for growth and diversification well into the future. 

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Hamish's Recommended reading on human psychology: Games People Play by Eric Berne, Your Brain at Work by David Rock, Mindset by Carol Dweck