We’re in the exact opposite position from last year at this time. Poised, again, at the precipice of a new season of Survivor and facing the final days of Big Brother, we’re this time saying goodbye to a season we far-from-loved (in contrast to BB16, which topped our all-time season rankings) and looking forward to […]

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We’re in the exact opposite position from last year at this time. Poised, again, at the precipice of a new season of Survivor and facing the final days of Big Brother, we’re this time saying goodbye to a season we far-from-loved (in contrast to BB16, which topped our all-time season rankings) and looking forward to something really promising in the form of Survivor Second Chances (as opposed to the atrocity that was San Juan Del Sur).

In preparation for the big finale/premiere extravaganza happening this Wednesday, superfans Kelly and Tim (for clarity: live-feed-less superfans, but superfans nonetheless) unload their thoughts in podcast form on the season of Big Brother that was and look forward to the season of Survivor that might be.

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The post The MyEntWord Podcast: <em>Survivor</em> & <em>Big Brother</em> appeared first on My Entertainment World.