The 2018 Oscars are just days away and, whether you’re a hardcore prognosticator...

The post The MyEntWord Podcast: Oscars 2018 w/ Clay Keller & Dane McDonald appeared first on My Entertainment World.

The 2018 Oscars are just days away and, whether you’re a hardcore prognosticator who’s seen every movie on the list or a workaholic who lives under a rock and hasn’t managed to see anything, we’ve got you covered.

To look back on the awesomeness that was 2017 and make some predictions about who’s going to take home the biggest prize of the year, I turned once again to Clay Keller, one of our contributing authors and the co-host of my favourite movie podcast The Vidiots Video Store Show. After he wrote an awesome guide to this year’s Best Picture nominees, I also asked our newest contributor Dane McDonald to join us. He’s a fellow Vidiots fan and has seen every major contender this year so he seemed like the perfect person to join me and Clay to break down the Oscars category by category and separate the people who deserve Academy Awards (Chalamet!) from the people who deserve “the Melissa Leo Excellence in Wigs Award” (ahem, Oldman).

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The post The MyEntWord Podcast: Oscars 2018 w/ Clay Keller & Dane McDonald appeared first on My Entertainment World.