During the COVID-19 lockdowns, to deal with isolation and lack of live theatre, we started gathering some of our favourite people every Tuesday & Saturday night to read scripts over Zoom. We read all 38 Shakespeare plays in six months. Then we kept going. We decided to create mini-seasons featuring highlights from the canons of […]

The post Corona Cold Reads: Robinson Jeffers’ Medea appeared first on My Entertainment World.

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, to deal with isolation and lack of live theatre, we started gathering some of our favourite people every Tuesday & Saturday night to read scripts over Zoom. We read all 38 Shakespeare plays in six months. Then we kept going. We decided to create mini-seasons featuring highlights from the canons of major writers across generations, plus a few bonus episodes thrown in.


All of our readings are available to enjoy as full videos on our YouTube page but we’re also releasing them in audio form so they can be accessed through your favourite podcast app.


This episode features the premiere of our Modern Greeks season, contemporary interpretations of the classics. We begin with Robinson Jeffers’ poetic adaptation of Medea.


CLICK HERE to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes so you don’t miss an episode. 


The Cast of Medea: 

The Nurse/ The Children- Elizabeth Morriss

The Tutor/ A Young Man- Kristen Zaza

Creon/First Woman- Christopher Prentice

Jason/Second Woman- Shawn Wilson

Aegeus/ Third Woman- Laura Hubbard

Medea- Shalyn Bass-McFaul

Stage Directions- Claudia Liz

The post Corona Cold Reads: Robinson Jeffers’ <em>Medea</em> appeared first on My Entertainment World.