Aaron DelPrince is not only a DVC Member but also the founder of Magical Wishes for Kids. The Indianapolis Disney meet is a fan gathering of theme park fans from across the midwest. MWFK.org does numerous fundraisers each year to raise money to support Give Kids the World in Kissimmee, Florida. When Make-A-Wish and over 150 other charities send a critically ill child to Disney, Give Kids the World Village hosts the families and coordinates the logistics of that event. Magical Wishes for Kids' largest event is the "Disney Indy Meet," and it's a meetup for Disney fans from all across the mid-west. Admission is free and includes food, entertainment and discussion break out rooms.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting up with Aaron DelPrince at the Magic Kingdom. This is the first podcast interview I've done where I actually got to spend a lot of time talking with my podcast guest in real life. It didn't take long before I realized, I need to share his story on a podcast.

Aaron DelPrince is not only a DVC Member but also the founder of Magical Wishes for Kids. The Indianapolis Disney meet is a fan gathering of theme park fans from across the midwest. MWFK.org does numerous fundraisers each year to raise money to support Give Kids the World in Kissimmee, Florida. When Make-A-Wish and over 150 other charities send a critically ill child to Disney, Give Kids the World Village hosts the families and coordinates the logistics of that event. Magical Wishes for Kids' largest event is the “Disney Indy Meet,” and it's a meetup for Disney fans from all across the mid-west. Admission is free and includes food, entertainment and discussion break out rooms.

Aaron and I discuss the Magical Wishes for Kids raffle drawing. The winner will get a complete Walt Disney World vacation with a stay in an AKV Studio, Meal Plan and Park Tickets. Entries are $20 a ticket and your odds of winning do depend on the number of tickets sold. However, they are excellent compared to the 1 in a million shot at most sweepstakes. (However, we would like to sell a million $20 tickets). 100% of the money raised goes to Give Kids the World.

Give Kids the World Village – Where Happiness Inspires Hope

Two ways you can support Magical Wishes for Kids and Give Kids the World:

Buy some $20 Raffle Tickets for the WDW TripBid on items in the Silent Auction

This year's speaker and entertainment lineup will have Yehaa Bob, Brian Hull, Jeff Barnes, Lee Cockerell, McNair Wilson, Jim Hill, and Lou Mongello.
MyDVCPoints is a sponsor of the Indy Meet in 2019. We would love to meet you at the event. If you cannot make the event, please consider buying a raffle ticket, bidding on the silent auction or just making a donation to the event.

As DVC members, some of us make multiple trips a year to Disney and don't think much about it as it's normative for our lifestyles. However, for families with critically ill children, medical bills and expenses can make a Disney trip financially impossible to pull off. By participating in the auction or raffle, you can help bring magic to families that are in dire need of a little bit of the happiness we regularly experience at Disney.

I continued to do a typical interview with Aaron to drive home an essential element. He loves Disney the same way we do and has a passion for pixie dust. Aaron is a regular DVC member just like us. He chooses to spend his time and resources to do something awesome for families that need hope and healing. If you'd like to partner with Aaron and Magical Wishes for Kids, we have plenty of opportunities between the Indy Meet, the silent auction, and the trip raffle tickets. I end every show and wish you all to have a magical day. If you choose to be like Aaron, I can assure you of this fundamental life truth. If you use your time, your talents, and treasures to help other people have a magical day, you too will have a magical day.

I hope to meet you in Indianapolis on September 21st. If not, Aaron has inspired me to start a Motor City Mouse Meet and charity event in Northville, Michigan on November 9th. Stay tuned for details.

My DVC Points Podcast is sponsored by DVC Resale Market and Vacation Club Loans and by community members in My DVC Points VIP Producer Club.

Today's episode was produced by Chad Pennycuff. Audio editing by Kenny Kingsborough from Harbor Red Studios. Show notes by Brian Reed and Chad Pennycuff. Facebook admins and moderators of the My DVC Points Community Group: Andrew Darden, Valerie Fairnington, and Donna Bickert.

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