In the New Science of Physical Health, the goal is simple - how do we bring two groups together. Those people that are completely disengages with their personal physical health status, and those that are already in love with improving their personal physical health status? The first group is the overwhelming majority. It's up to the second group to help inspire all of those who have not yet lowered their risk of disease so they can feel amazing.

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In todays episode:

DECIPHER THE HEALTH CODE IN THE AGE OF NETFLIX, UBER, GOOGLE AND SCREENS  What to do between 2020-2070 to stay physically healthy as the world changes more than it did over the past 1000 years.

What if I could show you there is just one brand new medical discovery that if you took advantage of it, there would be a linear decrease in your risk from sickness, disease and premature death? I am about to share the exact formula on how to stay physically healthy over the next 50 years in the age of Netflix, Uber, Google and screens.  

I have spent the past 34 years of teaching health and physical education where I delivered over 30,000 lessons to students. The last decade of my career has been working with over 100 PhDs in medicine, cardiology, oncology, exercise physiology, molecular biology, pediatrics, pedagogy, public health, endocrinology and many more - where  I have been able to turn their complex medical research into simple lessons we all can use. 

Heart attack, stroke, diabetes (type2), cancer events, metabolic disease, obesity, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, end stage organ failure, insulin resistance, cardiac hypertrophy, myocardial fibrosis, endothelial dysfunction, pulse wave velocity, vagal tone, nitric oxide release, platelet adhesiveness, electrophysical properties, stroke volume, and much more. These are part of the HEALTH CODE. This complex molecular and physiological world that most people don’t know exists - until they are forced to learn about a part of it when a health catastrophe explodes inside their body or that of someone they love. When my father died aged just 46 years old from a heart attack on the spot - we were told that it was ‘sudden’ and ‘unexpected’. The truth is he never knew about the HEALTH CODE. His disease and premature death were sudden to us his family, yet in reality it was anything but sudden. But you need to know about the HEALTH CODE, the complex molecular and physiological changes that begin 20 years before you can feel the outcome of a disease like a heart attack. 

Deciphering the HEALTH CODE means to prevent negative molecular and physiological health adaptations starting inside your body (or that of someone you care about)in your teenage years or 20’s - then when you move to your 30’s, 40’s, 50s, 60’s or beyond you are N0T staring down the barrel of a health catastrophe. If you fail to decipher the health code, you will be in the direct firing line of being diagnosed with the two leading causes of sickness, disease and premature death. These are cardiovascular and cancer events.

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