The EXPERT SECRETS RADIO SHOW website with FREE video and other content is:

One of the biggest questions I keep getting from people is, how do I check if my students are being physically active at home when they are not in front of me like a normal PE lesson? Well let's tune in to raise radio show and find out exactly how I overcome that hurdle and how anyone else can do it with part one of today's radio show and the short part two of today's radio show.

I'm not going to tell you any more about the lesson inside today's radio show other than I want to do the work for you with part one and part two of today's radio show. It's time for you to lean on the resources that I create so that you don't have to do all of the work.

Just a little administration note sometimes the radio show gets posted and the free video content and other notes do not get posted until a few hours later.

The EXPERT SECRETS RADIO SHOW website with FREE video and other content is: