Tonight's guest, Eric, had his Bigfoot sighting while he was bow hunting, in Northern Indiana. You see, Eric grew up in a hunting family. From a very young age, his dad taught him how to hunt and the ways of the woods.

Fast forward to 2007 or 2008. Eric had been granted permission to hang his deer stand in a farmer's remote woods, for hunting season. 1 day, after sitting in his stand for hours, a doe came into sight. At 1st, Eric was wondering if it had scented him or seen him, though, because it was clearly alarmed about something. It wasn't long before he realized something else had its attention. It was something behind him that the deer was gazing at. Moments later a huge log, that had been thrown, slammed up against the trunk of the beech tree Eric's stand was in. That log being thrown against the trunk of the tree Eric was in scared him, but not as much as what he saw moving toward him. It was a gigantic Sasquatch! Eric says the Sasquatch must have been 15 feet tall too! We hope you'll tune in and listen to Eric talk about what happened that day, as well as other Sasquatch-related experiences he's had too.

If you’ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

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Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley