In Helena, California, there’s a place where tonight’s guest, Dan Shirley, has done a lot of field research. He’s spent a lot of time researching Sasquatch there during both daytime hours and at night. Dan likes going there, to do research, but he’ll be quick to warn you to be careful if you go into that area. He says the Sasquatch population there is comprised of a lot of rogues that tend to be much more prone to aggressive behavior towards people. In fact, Dan has sworn off going back, to research there. On tonight's show, Dan shares the details of 3 encounters he's had. 1 of those encounters happened in the Helena area. We hope you'll tune in and listen to him do that.

If you'd like to visit Dan's YouTube Channel, please go to...

On Dan's YouTube Channel, you'll find hundreds of videos, chronicling experiences Dan's had and his research, over the years.

If you’ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to and let us know! We’d love to hear from you.

If you’d like to report your sighting or sightings to the U.S. Bigfoot Patrol, please visit and fill out a report.

Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley