Tonight’s guest, Jeff Harding, had his 1st Bigfoot sighting in 1987, on an island, in Northern Manitoba, with no name. Growing up, his parents never talked about Sasquatch, so he didn’t know they actually existed. That is, until he found himself in the shadow of a 10-footer, that was just seconds away from attacking him. You see, during graduation week, a good friend of his invited Jeff to go with him and several of his family members, on a 10-day fishing trip to Northern Manitoba, Canada. They were going to be staying at a remote camp, on a desolate lake there. 3 Inuit brothers, who were native to that area and lived on the lake, were going to serve as guides on their trip. So what could go wrong? Unfortunately, plenty!

Jeff created an organization called Pine Island Research, which he named after the Pine Island Forest, in Northern Minnesota. He also hosts a podcast called “Pine Island Research,” which airs on The UNTOLD Radio Network, YouTube, and all podcast platforms. New episodes of Jeff’s show air every Monday night, at 9PM EST. Here’s a link to the Pine Island Research YouTube Channel…

And, here’s a link to the Pine Island Research Facebook Page…

If you’ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own My Bigfoot Sighting t-shirt, sweatshirt, or tank top, please visit the My Bigfoot Sighting Show Store Page, by going to...

Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley

I produce 3 other podcasts that are available for listening on your favorite podcast app. If you haven’t checked them out, already, here are links to them…

Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio

Dogman Encounters

My Paranormal Experience

Thanks for listening!