'The last texts we exchanged were about the pan; he asked if I’d perfected the technique, and I told him I had, that I had been having a hot chocolate a day since he gave it to me, and I couldn’t wait till we were together at Christmas so that I could make him one. ' (Sophie Caldecott)


Today's story, about 'a blue and white enamel milk pan',  is written and read by Sophie Caldecott. Sophie Caldecott is a writer living in a cosy cottage on the edge of the moor in the South-West of England. She writes about grief and motherhood, empathy and connection, slow living and sustainability, as well as chocolate and all the simple pleasures that make life worth living.
Today, she tells the story of a very special milkpan she received as a gift from her brother-in-law. We were both left speechless by the beauty and sadness of this story, by Sophie's intense grief and the graceful way she navigates it.

Our discussion starts with a ponder on the quality of a gift and also the difficulty to make a meaningful gift in today's world. We then meander into a discussion on the meaning of relics in different spiritualities and end up with an appreciation of the importance of leaving a meaningful trace in life.

We really enjoyed recording the episode and felt privileged to be the receivers of this story.
Each time someone entrusts a story with My Beautiful Stories, a special link is created. So thank you, Sophie, for sharing this story. Our thoughts go to you and your family.

RECOMMENDATION: Not really what it sounds to be, the recommendation is A Ghost Story. Really a film about the connection between the seen and the unseen and perhaps also about our need to be haunted.

We would love for this series to be collaborative, and we invite you to bring your stories to the fold!
Please share the stories of those things that are not just things here or send me an Instagram message.

Click send your story or send me a message on Instagram.  My Beautiful Club ko-fi members have priority, but we will endeavour to narrate as many stories as we can on the podcast! You can listen to all previous’ episodes on the app.

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