‘In hindsight I can see perhaps it was good that I was forced to confront my grief in so unadulterated a manner, but it was so hard - I would never choose it!’ Tamlyn

TW: This story and the conversation which ensues includes mentions of grieving and death.

Tammy lost her mother a few weeks before the first UK lockdown. Even more, 8,000 miles separated them and returning to the UK was  in itself a little miracle.


We discuss how having to grieve in unusual situations (such as a global pandemic) can feel like imprisonment with grief.

We argue that in order to overcome grief, a level of grounding ourselves in daily routines and usual encounters with people can be essential. Tammy was deprived of this.

Our discussion concludes with our own positive experience of having overcome grief, or rather, having learned to live with the loss.


Our recommendation is Arvo Part's Stabat Mater, a meditative and wonderfully evocative piece of music.

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