My African cliché of the day is a number. 1 billion. This will be the number of young people under 18 years old, on the African continent by 2050 according to the projections by the United Nations. Africa will then own 40% of the children on earth.

This number is described as a threat according to the chants of neo-Malthusianism such as the current French president. But this number is above all, an opportunity for Africa, because it represents the promise of millions of African fantastic inventors, entrepreneurs, farmers, musicians, historians, geeks and so and so... .

It’s up to you to tell me if they are, and to think about all the African geniuses who are already maker the continent happy and proud, who are honoring it around the world, such as Matthew Ncube, in London, a great friend of this podcast ; to think about those who are waiting to make their dreams come true, they will all bloom tomorrow before our eyes and deserve our support. And to you, to your own genius, which contributes in your way, to a standing and beautiful Africa. Beautiful like my 3 assistants of the day, Trevor-Jabali, Yele and Shola, they are, like millions of children here in the continent and across the planet , the inevitably magnificent future of Africa.