Welcome to this series of special Sankofa flights, chartered by the office of the UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region. As announced before, this special series, broadcasted in parallel with your usual podcast episodes, will last the whole month of March to honor women from different countries who talk about their battles.

My African cliché of the day is a terrible feeling. The one you feel when you face injustice. Imagine how women feel, when they are victims of sexual violence of all kinds, these terrible injustices which are mostly never punished, both in war and in peace time.

I can't think of a better word than those of Alfred de Vigny, excellent French poet who translated so many of Shakespeare’s work. He said and I quote "After having studied the condition of women in all times and in all countries, I came to the conclusion that instead of saying hello to them, we should ask them for forgiveness” end of quote.

What better to say sorry than to listen and share this series on the feminist struggles in Great Lakes? thank you and see you onboard tomorrow