Malcolm X's words sound even better in 2020: "Their problem is our problem”. Ask Mrs. Kadiatou Diallo, the mother of the young Guinean Amadou Diallo, a 23-year-old boy, who had just announced to his mother who stayed in Guinea, that he had now worked enough to finally pay for his expensive university studies in America. Outside his home, unarmed, he was shot dead by New York police, riddled with 41 bullets. His death provoked violent protests in the United States. A year later, the 4 police officers who allegedly took his wallet for a firearm were acquitted.

20 years later, here we go again, an unarmed man is killed by police, again demonstrations across the country, but the oppressors are united, they already paid to bail the murderers of George Floyd out.  

It’s about time to ask ourselves: When? When will the African States submit in absolute unity a special motion to the United Nations General Assembly against the police brutality regularly inflicted on Black people in the US? When will all of humanity rise to end the closed-door killings of black people in the US? In Brazil? in many Arab countries? In Africa itself?

When? Not as long as the green US dollar can make our leaders red with pleasure.