EPISODE 30: Great Britain abolished slavery: Autopsy of a British delusion

On the list of people who ended slavery, the British government does not appear high up on the list, if at all it appears. The people who ended slavery, the real heroes of abolition, were first and foremost, the slaves themselves who revolted countless times everywhere in multiple slavery locations. That was the case of Mulato Solitude and Louis Delgres in French Caribbean, Toussaint Louverture in Haiti, Carlota Lucimi known as La Carlota Negra in Cuba, the Ghanain slave lady called Breffu in the Danish West Indies, etc...the list goes on and must include of course, the great Samuel Sharpe, who led the well-known Jamaican slave rebellion, in 1831, which had a direct impact in the voting of the British abolition Act 2 years later. 

If names of white heroes were to be cited, then it would be those of the members of the “Religious Society of Friends” also known as Quakers. As opposed to other religions, they were convinced that slave-owning was not consistent with Christian doctrine, they were among the first ones to fight slavery.