From Amadou Mbow ( UNESCO) to Tedros Gebreyesus ( WHO): Same battle?


My African cliché of the day is a vision, M’Bow’s vision of UNESCO. He saw UNESCO as a means to create a world order based on justice, dignity for all, equity, respect for diversity and the preservation of culture heritage. How many African leaders today still have a vision and stand for it?

Mbow’s life’s work has won him widespread acclaim and over 70 awards, medals and honorary degrees and citizenships from around the world.

Today from Morocco where he retired and still resides, at the age of 99, what do you think is his reading of this WHO vs USA situation? I keep wondering what they would tell each other if Dr Tedros was to talk to Mbow, or to the late Kofi Anan and Boutros Boutros Ghali. Deja-vu? Don’t give up and change the world? I guess I will never know.

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