Many thanks especially to all those who encouraged and helped me, from all over the world. My thanks go to you, Mattheus and your girlfriend in Brazil, to you also who shared this link in your networks, to you who reviewed this podcast on different listening platforms, and to you Emma, Dhashen, Ida, Amidou baba, Caitlin, Prudence, Beatrice, Salmane, Mercy, Patrick, Nidhee, Kerri and all of you who are listening right now, that i didnt mention.

Huge thanks go also to all the historians, the experts who have agreed to join me in this podcast, I’m delighted with your interest and I cant wait to let the world hear our conversations.

Finally, I take the opportunity to announce a new podcast within My African Clichés podcast network. 

This new podcast will be called "Little African Historians". So if you have children, and if they ask questions about the history of pre -historic people, that is to say, those who lived before the appearance of the Ipad, well this channel will be theirs to answer questions such as "where did the first human being appear on earth? Why are men of different colors? What were people eating and drinking 100, 200 or 500 years ago? Why is Lesotho called that name? Why do people speak both English and French in Cameroon; and so on and so fourth..

Happy holidays and see you soon!