Identifying as a musicpreneur, Erin McAndrew has built a career for herself that’s resilient thanks to several different sources of income.  I stumbled across her Twitter account one day, and her course offerings caught my eye. Especially the one she was promoting when I found her, called “Get More Paid Gigs.”

One of my favorite things we discuss in this episode is why it’s so important to separate the kinds of work that you do in one day. Creative work like songwriting and recording uses one part of your brain, and strategic work like planning your next steps for the quarter, and coordinating new gigs or partnerships uses the opposite side of your brain. Switching between those two kinds of work within the same day makes the work feel harder because your brain has to readjust each time.

Also stay on the lookout for when we start talking about how Erin leverages the relationship she’s built with her most loyal fans to shape her music and the other products she offers to them.


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