Recovering from burnout is a slightly different process for everyone. But, there are a few ways creating and trying new ways of approaching your music/ art can help you recover faster. Personally, I’ve reached the burnout point more times than I can count in the past 7 years. That’s not a pattern that’s conducive to long-term momentum as I develop this podcast, my songwriting, or any other creative project I want to make.

So how do you prevent burnout? How do you find ways to recover that can feel sustainable, and make you more resilient so you don’t reach the same burnout point again? There was a big shift for the better 12 months ago when I tried a new approach. If you’re impatient, I get into those details about 10 minutes into this episode…

This episode features clips and examples from the king of “consistency” and content creating himself, Gary Vee. As well as a talented Austin-based rapper named RAH. He’s also built quite the content library across multiple social platforms, YouTube, and his music. Links below if you want to dive in deeper.

Please subscribe if you liked what you heard! 

Source videos:

Gary Vee - How to Make Content Consistently | New Media Academy [watch on YouTube]

RAH - I’m quitting YouTube? ** The Truth ** [watch on YouTube]

RAH’s music and more:

RAH’s apparel line: Only Fam Mafia


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