Analysts point to Gaming and Esports as the next frontier for the music industry, and a useful model for “monetizing fandom.” Occasional podcast host Tristra Newyear Yeager explores what that really means, with Andres Lauer of Five Vectors as a guide to this new terrain. A music industry insider himself, Andres founded Five Vectors with game industry expert Wasae Imran to open up gaming as a monetization source for independent musicians and to provide gamers with experiences enhanced by music. Find out why it’s a mistake to think of gaming as just another sync opportunity like TV and Film. Go beyond virtual concerts (like Marshmello’s Fortnite performance) to find out how music can be integrated into game experiences. How do digital natives think about the value of music? Which genres do gamers want to listen to (hint: it’s not just EDM)? Why is “monetizing fandom” a misleading turn of phrase?

The Music Tectonics podcast goes beneath the surface of the music industry to explore how technology is changing the way business gets done. Visit to learn more, and find us on twitter, facebook, and Instagram. Let us know what you think!