When music venues in Los Angeles were shut down as part of Covid-19 safety measures, Ari Herstand knew that he wanted to help the artists and performance spaces weather the financial shortfall. With a couple of friends, he launched “UnCancelled Music Festival”, a live-streaming enterprise that organizes performances and collaboration between musicians from across the country. Now he is busier than ever. Having a lot on his plate, however, is business as usual for Ari, who has worked as a musician and authored the best selling book “How to Make It in the New Music Business”. Called “the poster child of DIY music” by Forbes, he has numerous ventures to his name. Well-known for his business advice blog “Ari’s Take”, Ari also runs a podcast and academy by the same name. 

As an expert in music business education and artist advocacy, he sits down with Music Tectonics host Dmitri Vietze to discuss what makes for a successful and profitable live-stream, how online performances shape the dynamics of fan bases and how to navigate the modern music business. 

The Music Tectonics podcast goes beneath the surface of the music industry to explore how technology is changing the way business gets done. Visit MusicTectonics.com to learn more, and find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Let us know what you think!