Long before COVID-19, Ivan Talaychuk pivoted from artist to tech startup founder because it was such a challenge to collaborate with his bandmate in Kiev, Ukraine. He was tired of the tangle of emails, Dropbox, Google Drive, and text messaging to share and comment on music tracks while they were in process. He literally traded his synthesizers to fund his company Pibox at first. Now it's one of the favorite collaboration tools on the web. Now that everyone is on lockdown due to a worldwide pandemic, Music Tectonics host Dmitri Vietze interrogates Tavaychuk about the features Pibox offers to musicians, educators, and industry teams as they are thrown off course and forced to collaborate remotely. Find out about commenting on waveforms, in-line chats with cloud storage, and folder integration that makes sense for talks between band mates, artist and label, or teams and clients of production libraries. And hear tips for any artist looking to collaborate remotely for the first time on this timely episode in our series about remote collaboration, live streaming, remote education, and more.

The Music Tectonics podcast goes beneath the surface of the music industry to explore how technology is changing the way business gets done. Visit MusicTectonics.com to learn more, and find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Let us know what you think!