With the MTNA conference in March, I guess you could say I’ve been on a conference kick. We talked about Networking with Stephanie Bonte-Lebair in Episode 141, I shared my takeaways from MTNA in Episode 142, and then last week I did a live Networking Debrief workshop with a group of teachers and, together, we went through our own lists of people we want to build deeper relationships with and figured out next steps. (Teachers on the call identified some really neat opportunities that have the potential to seriously impact their businesses.)

Today we’re covering another conference-related topic: how to get started speaking at conferences. My guest is one you’ve heard from before on the podcast - and maybe even heard present in person. Amy Chaplin has given over 35 presentations for state and national events and local teacher groups. Today she’s sharing with us some tips for writing proposals and getting accepted to speak at conferences.

Here’s my conversation with Amy.


A full transcript and resources from this episode can be found at MusicStudioStartup.com/episode144.


MSS Entrepreneurs Hub + Mastermind

MSS Studio Launch Grant Competition

Music Studio Business Building 101

Business Finance for Music Teachers