In my original interview with Stephanie, she talked about the role business networking played in the marketing of her business and she talked about it with such intentionality that I knew I wanted to learn more.

So today we’re talking about everything, from how to choose events to network at, how to prepare, how Stephanie makes the most of her time at an event, her follow-up routines, examples of weak and strong calls to action and more. Get your notepad ready because you’ll want to take notes.

If this topic of networking makes you uneasy, at least listen until you hear Stephanie’s definition of business networking. A lot of us have probably had an experience with someone who was “networking” that was so obnoxious that we found the very concept repulsive. I think Stephanie’s approach will be refreshingly different and one that most teachers can get excited about. People who are doing networking well are not obnoxious and you don’t have to become obnoxious - in fact, please don’t - to build your business through networking.

A full transcript and resources from this episode can be found at


MSS Entrepreneurs Hub + Mastermind

MSS Studio Launch Grant Competition

Music Studio Business Building 101

Business Finance for Music Teachers