Seven is a Producer & Engineer in Nashville, TN. He has worked with artists such as Public Enemy, Ice Cube, Busta Rhymes, Vanessa Williams & many more. When he was 8 years old he was coerced (by his Dad) into a playdate with Paul McCartney's daughter, but we'll get there...

The man behind the console for Public Enemys Fear of a Black Planet amongst countless other records. Seven (Alan Scott Plotkin) shows us his Musical Life in and out of the music industry. He is a world-class producer, songwriter, arranger, drummer, guitarist, novelist, a true New Yorker, a jokester, smart-ass, cut-up, and a man who can out talk anyone and out entertain anyone . . . but mostly, he is a talented human being who has touched the lives of many.

Topics Discussed:

Being Born into the studio Business
Sneaking into a Paul McCartney session
Working with Public Enemy
His daughters $200K dowry
Working at some of New York's top studios
Much More...
Seven's Biograhpy:


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