Emily Summers is a singer/songwriter originally from Pittsburgh, PN. She recently completed a successful Kickstarter to create 2 brand new EP's "Evening" & "Morning"

(from her Kickstarter page)
Evening and Morning is all about dichotomies. It’s about living in the tension between confusion and understanding, doubt and faith, restlessness and peace, cynicism and hope, frustration and contentment. So I’ve broken up this album into two EP’s. Evening is made up of those songs that I wrote in a state of tension, confusion or longing, whereas Morning is all about new understanding, acceptance, and peace. Together, they tell stories of facing our demons, and choosing to accept who we are and where we are, knowing that it won’t last forever. And no matter where we are right now- whatever darkness, whatever evening we’re in- there is always a new morning coming just over the horizon.

On This week's show we cover (but in a completley different order than this):

Emily's Celine dion impression
Modern Art
Faith & doubt
The time Emily almost ran over Brad Paisley
Game of Thrones
How the universe unfolded for Emiley's Parents to meet
Being Restless



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