Welcome to Music Musing! My name is Craig Sybert and my brother George Sybert and I co-host this podcast. George and I would frequently call each other and throw out a conversation title and ramble on for 45 minutes or so, sometimes taking tangents and sometimes staying focused on the subject. The podcast idea started after a call to my brother with the statement “Is Boston the best rock band ever?”. After our conversation, I got the idea to start recording these conversations and share them with the world. I had a background in voice over work and audio editing, so it was a natural progression.  We are rock and metal guys, but we were also brought up listening to folk, disco, and gospel. Our first few episodes were a little rough on the quality, but stick with it, they get much better!

We are not looking to make money off this podcast, but we do offer a Patreon if you want to help us with the day to day expenses like recording equipment or platform costs. The Patreon is patreon.com/musicmusing What we really want is your interaction. We love to talk music and that doesn’t stop at us, we like to hear all opinions and input. Email us at [email protected]. We also love to hear show ideas and guest suggestions as well!

Lastly, please leave us a review on whatever platform you listen to our podcast on. There are a lot of podcasts out there and to get ours out into the mix, we need reviews so that others who will appreciate it can find it easily.

You can find us on:

Twitter at @MusicMusing_

Instagram at music_musing

On our home page, musicmusing.libsyn.com

You can also find us on YouTube and pretty much any other platform where you find podcasts. If we missed your favorite, let us know and we will get it out there.

Thank you again for your time and we hope you like this podcast!

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