Erin and I watch and review The Breakfast Club. Its been a long time since either of us have seen the movie so will we walk on by or will we call its name?


Stay tuned for the bonus commentary at the end of the review!


Here’s the breakdown:


-Will Erin and I still like The Breakfast Club after years without seeing it?

-Mike is a proud SJW

-Erin lost her apartment to a fire and she needs things.  Please donate to help her get back on her feet 

-How this podcast works


The Review:

-Why is it called The Breakfast Club?

-The letter

-What did Erin think of the movie as an adult?

-Is the Breakfast Club outdated?

-Bender and sexual assault

-The romance

-Alison and Andy

-Alison’s makeover

-Claire and Bender

-Why is Claire into Bender?

-Is there justification for Claire and Bender?

-Bender is abusive

-Andy’s wrongdoing

-What did Erin think of Brian?

-Who can Erin relate to the most?

-The pressure of being perfect

-Erin’s favorite character

-Our favorite performance

-Allison and Ally Sheedy

-Would Erin recommend this movie?

-What did Erin not like?

-Vice Principal Vernon

-$31,000 a year and owns a home?!?!

-When Mike played a principal

-Claire’s lipstick trick

-TV shows and movies about kids

-The conversations teenagers have

-Sex and labels

-Building empathy when talking

-Why The Breakfast Club holds up

-Saying the “F word”, “N word”, “R word”


-Language in the 80s versus today

-No one was “out” in highschool in the 90s

-Language in the 90s

-Trolls versus people who don’t know any better

-Language today

-“You guys”

-When someone gets it “wrong”

-Compassion versus becoming a bully

-Why Bender treats people horribly

-Mike’s criticisms

-Mike was so hungry at Christmas. How hungry was he?

-Vegan lasagna 


Erin lost her apartment due to a fire and she is accepting donations to get back on her feet.  Please visit her GoFundMe page at 







Email [email protected]


Enjoy the commentary and one more wrong aspect about The Breakfast Club.


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