The great acting teacher Harold Guskin, has died.  He was known throughout the acting circles due to his famous students like Kevin Kline, Glenn Close, and James Gandolfini but his actual approach did not enjoy the mainstream attention like Lee Strasberg, Sanford Meisner, Stella Adler, etc. 

I talk about Guskin’s approach to acting and his book “How to Stop Acting”, which was a game changer in my life.


Show notes:

-I’m tired

-How I found out Harold Guskin died

-Game changers in life

-Guskin’s book, “How to Stop Acting”

-When I first read it

-Lee Strasberg

-How Strasberg taught

-Being yelled at

-How I feel about tough love

-How I discovered “How to Stop Acting”

-After reading the first few pages . . .

-Reminding me how I used to live life

-How I feel about acting

-I explain the foundation of Guskin’s approach, “Taking It Off the Page”

-How the moment creates spontaneity

-How will the line come out? I don’t know and neither should you.

-Getting to emotional scenes compared to other approaches

-It doesn’t matter your level of acting

-Guskin’s Holy Trinity (Kline, Close, Gandolfini)

-I wrote him a letter a few years ago

-I am now awake and have a message to my sleepy self

-Emailing Guskin

-Not a technique?

-To take a class or not take a class?

-My issue with Guskin

-Using different approaches to form your own

-Jesper Triel Gissel and The Generous Actor

-The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and the blues

-A difference between Jesper’s approach and Guskin’s

-Feeling alone after reading “How to Stop Acting”

-Challenging the established acting techniques

-Guskin’s like punk rock

-Spreading the word

-So read “How to Stop Acting” and “The Generous Actor”

-Planting seeds

-Where Guskin started

-We need rebels

-Tribalism and acting techniques

-I need coffee



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