Andrew P Street is The Bomb. As a music writer Andrew has written for the Sydney Morning Herald, the Guardian, the ABC, Rolling Stone, Cosmos, the Monthly, Time Out, NME, The Music and many others. As a political commentator he’s also written for many of the above, including now writing a Patreon-supported guide to contemporary Australian politics. Written with style, snaz and in terms the rest of us can understand, he’s bloody funny, too.APS has also written books, including The Long and Winding Way To The Top: Fifty (or so) Songs That Made Australia, The Short & Excruciatingly Embarrassing Reign of Captain Abbott and The Curious Story of Malcolm Turnbull: the Incredible Shrinking Man in the Top Hat. He spoke to us on Music Mothers and Others about life as a parent, uncle, musician and writer – as well as his deep and everlasting love of The Muppets.