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This summer, I plan on doing interviews every other week with punk artists of various types from all over the world. David Rovics is American, but is currently touring in Scotland. He sat down with me for 20 minutes or so talk to punk music, politics and more. I couldn't really take notes like I normally do when Tom and I do shows together. The plus side of doing these summer shows is that I have ultimate flexibility with scheduling. The down side is that show notes are either not going to happen or will require going back and reconstructing them.

I'd also like to apologize to David for taking so long to get this out. I was traveling last week and managed to get sick while doing so.

"I'm a Better Anarchist than You" by David Rovics (folk punk) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website

"Halliburton Boardroom Massacre" by David Rovics (folk punk) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website

"Why Don't They Play You On The Radio?" by David Rovics (folk punk) - CC BY-NC-SA - Website