Hearse Pileup


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In a perfect world, this would have been out on this feed a while back, but that's life.

In this episode:

We talk with the band Hearse Pileup.

Here are Doug's notes from the interview


http://www.hearsepileup.de/ad/ ← don’t be fooled, they aren’t in Germany

Matt is a web developer.

IE6 ← August 27, 2001

Tell us about your music and tell us what’s new!

Been around for 3 years

Matt started the band after a long period of doing nothing. British art school people are often insular.

Tony is an old friend. Band is angry.

Matt did listen to a lot of prog, but

Where did the project name originate?

First drummer came up with the bad luck name.

What type of music is it?

somewhere between messy punk/noise

The Coachwhips (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coachwhips),

Queens of the Stoneage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queens_Of_The_Stoneage), 

Iggy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iggy_Pop), 

White Stripes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Stripes)

What’s the deal with “Pretty Shiny Things?”

criticism of capitalism while being entrenched in it.

Matt works at a design company, where he’s gotten some help with band promo.

Johnny Rotten (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lydon) is in a house robe. Rotten apparently did some butter commercials.

Martin Atkins: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Atkins

“Pay what you want” EP

Montage! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU9Uwhjlog8

What’s the news on the new drummer?

just got a new drummer!

What’s the news on your gigging schedule?

no gigs yet, but that should be changing soon

How long has it been?

2 months...which Tom claims is nothing!

New material?

lots of new stuff...enough for an album,

They want to do another music video -- probably something new

Defecation is the name of a song!

We are eating shit!

Matt did graphic design, but likes short films!


songs can be violent, but it comes from a critical standpoint


aka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shark_Tank



Just an accident, but maybe not ShareAlike in the future.

CCMixter interview

Why CC?

Why restrict people?

Also, a good way for publicity

How’d you hear about it?

student protest movement.

Some people think the pay what you want is being devalued.

Wu-Tang clan has one album out!

Definitely not Irish: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaolin

7-inch was popular because cheaper

CC in London?

Not a lot locally.

Little Death Machine: http://littledeathmachine.bandcamp.com/ -- not CC

Who are some people you think we should try to get on the show (aka, who are the important people in Creative Commons music today)?

The Vitamin Pets: http://vitaminpets.bandcamp.com/ , sadly, no derivatives

Is there anything else you would like to say/tell us about?

Festival upcoming!