Previous Episode: Music Manumit Punkcast - 002
Next Episode: Give me money!

It's a 2 for 1 deal today! Due to my slackness the June and July podcasts have come out today. I know it's poor podcasting form to release two in one day, but I'm a believer in the "release early and release often" philosophy.
On the thought of releasing early and releasing often, I have found myself spending more time on the intros than I thought I would but I think that's because it's just me rather than a discussion with Tom. Things are so new and in flux that I have a lot to say as well. Eventually I hope to say "this is the Music Manumit Punkcast" and be done with it!
Anyway, this show is a rerun of the Music Manumit Podcast interview with Australian singer/songwriter Isaac Graham. We discuss his punk roots, folk punk, his affiliation with Copyleft Record and more!

Per usual, I'm releasing only in the open format ogg. You can download it from the amazing If you have an Android phone, this file will work. Many browsers also have ogg support built in. As for media players, Songbird on Windows/Mac will play ogg files. If you want an mp3 version, let me know - just don't tell me you want it for an iPhone because I might not do it. I can get away with being a dick about it because this is punk rock baby!!