Previous Episode: EP-005 - Waves

I wanted to do something special for this episode to celebrate the 100th download. (It happened either during EP. 004 or Ep. 005, depending on how you count the numbers.) 100 is the first milestone I had for this, and hopefully the start of many. So, to celebrate, I wrote an hour-long ambient mix for you. ...and then had to shorten it to 45 minutes to fit within my upload limits. I'll be looking into that.

Anyway, my friend once pointed out that some people like ambient music while working, or doing complex tasks. But other people prefer ambient music for things like meditation, and prayer. If you're listening to ambient music for that reason you want it to stay out of your way and let you focus. Well, this mix is a lot of that.

Some mixes at an hour or more are just the same few bars on repeat. And there's a reason or two for that. But I didn't feel right just looping things a few hundred times and calling it a "special mix." While I did want to stay true to minimal, drone, ambient music, there are subtle themes that cross back and forth to give this a lot of subtle background intricacy while the main part of the song does stay its minimal course.

I hope you enjoy it!