It has been a few months now that social engagement has been curtailed. Australia has managed things well by the look of things, with intergovernmental cooperation sustained, and policy decisions driven by science and fact, rather than ideology or ignorance.

For the moment, we remain in a state of suspended in home animation, ready to take flight when the moment is right, but happy to chill in the meantime. While we are not out of the woods yet, there is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. Nonetheless, as I write this on the eve of Mothers Day, it seems the backlog is growing of family to embrace, friends to see, things to do, and places to go.

This mix was recorded live last weekend, and livestreamed to a few of the people that, if I had my way, would have instead been in my living room that night. As with all my mixes, the lyrics paint a picture across the arc of the set, and set a bit of context for the mood of the day. While we may be locked down safe at home, we can still connect, reflect, and enjoy putting together plans for the not too distant future. Look forward to seeing you all again soon.