I have many fond memories of road trips over the years. Some were with family, some were with friends, and some by myself. Whether flying solo or with a copilot alongside, a journey by road can be a transformative experience.

For every road trip I can remember, music was a big part of the experience. There is nothing like a big chunk of seat time with good tunes and good scenery to stimulate conversation, introspection, perspective and reflection. The nature of road trips is that they often represent (or in hindsight end up as) turning points in the broader journey of life. As such, the car stereo ends up providing the soundtrack to an important period of change and growth.

We have been spending the past few weeks planning a road trip in the mountains in the coming months, and it feels like it is coming together well. Maybe that is what has me all nostalgic. Either way, this mix was recorded with mileage in mind. It starts slow, covers a fair bit of ground, picks up speed towards the end, and ultimately ends up far from where it started. It was recorded live in South Yarra in early April 2019.