Previous Episode: MFSA067: Castlemaine

We measure progress in increments. Major life events stand as demarcations, with time able to be divided into before and after. As a recreational long distance runner, I know that it sometimes takes everything we have to make it around the next bend. Other times, the distance seems to fly by in the background, while mind and body are at peace and at ease. Either way, a kilometre is a kilometre, and the distance must be covered one step at a time by putting one foot in front of the other, for better or for worse. However the distance goes, it can be quite rewarding to then look back from a vantage point and realise just how much distance has been covered.

So too it is with relationships. What starts as a single moment can grow over time into something special and significant. It certainly has in my case. We returned to Castlemaine in recent weeks, and on a very special day made a very special commitment to one another, marking a milestone for us both and sparking cause for significant celebration.