Summer is well and truly here in Melbourne, with today being the start of a forecast four day heat wave with temperatures in the 40C+ range. Here's hoping my air conditioner can cope.

Episode 009 of Music For Small Audiences is called Don't Forget The Vouchers, and it is a collection of beautiful melodies - some simple, and some complex.

For as long as I've been listening to music my preference has been for beat-driven melodies (as my family, who will readily recall my favourite marching band records note for note, will attest). To me, the vast majority of dance music has always seemed devoid of deeply emotive melody. Too much of it seems to lean either towards saccharine hooks and musical cliches, or towards bleeps, bloops, boring beats, and over-reliance on the build-up/breakdown tension/release cycle.

On this mix you'll find a thorough exploration of many types of deep and emotive melodic moments. From the simple, such as a single note melody backed by suspended chords or hypnotic and evolving one-chord grooves, through to radio friendly vocal tracks and epic instrumental progressive trance, there's a bit of something in here for everyone, with the big melodies and the small framed against each other across a two-and-a-bit hour mix. It was mixed live late last year.