One of the #1 reasons the “Music (ed) Matters” Podcast came into being was to help spread the wealth of knowledge from so many experts in our field. These NEW “Quick Tips with Tiz” are extra special as they offer a quick, teachable tip you can apply right now, but they also introduce you to a very important person, John Tisbert. Lovingly called “Tiz” by colleagues and students alike, he was a huge part of Dr. Burch’s growth as a young teacher. From the first time in front of a “real children’s choir” to team teaching K-8th grade, Tiz continues to be a big reason Dr. Burch loves collaborating, team teaching, and leaning on colleagues for ideas and FUN! It is a joy to share one of the Tiz’s specialties with the world — sight-reading.

In this “Quick Tip with Tiz,” he walks you through his sight-reading process explaining the why and the how. You can leave this episode with ideas, inspiration, and motivation to help your singers exactly where they are and with exactly what they need. The best part about these “quick tips with Tiz” are that they get you thinking about YOUR space. There is no one right answer. Instead, it is about trying things, anything, to meet, reach, impact, help, and support YOUR singers. We hope this gets your creative ideas moving and we would love to hear what your sight-reading sequence looks like. Share your thoughts and join the conversation:

**Our show sponsor, Kinnison Choral Company wants to help you find more time for sight-reading by giving you the tools you need to make your rehearsal space productive, fun, and inspiring! Their free tool, “The Repertoire Rehearsal Calculator + Scheduler” allows you to calculate to the MINUTE how much time you actually have during a semester/given period to focus on actual REPERTOIRE before your concert. A fillable Google sheet, the free calculator will help you understand (down to the minute) how much time you can afford to spend on each piece you’re rehearsing, so you never say “where did the time go?” Head to to grab the free calculator today! 

**Show music originally written by Mr. Todd Monsell

**Show photography provided by Dr. Dan Biggerstaff